Closing remarks.
This is who I am.
I can nearly guarantee you my portfolio won’t have the most stories. It won’t have the most dazzling color display, it won’t have quotes from the internet about each aspect of journalism and it won’t have stories I wrote with the purpose of this portfolio. That’s because I used the same philosophy on this website as I have with everything in my journalism career: focus on the content. Why use three words when I can use one? Why lead with background information when there’s a real story to tell? Why distract you with “cutesy” additions to this site when I’ve produced great content and made a real impact on my community? I’ve put together the best of the best for this portfolio. It consists of my best writing, designs, innovations, and contributions to our journalism program – and concise explanations of their history and importance. Because that is what this award is about - strong journalism. I understand there are many outstanding applicants for this award, each with unique stories to tell. What sets me apart is how I took the initiative to create several different brand-new journalistic endeavors that made a true impact on a community. I have spent my career creating new opportunities for myself and others.
Thank you for your consideration for this prestigious award and for continuing to honor the importance of journalism.
I couldn’t have done any of this without the following people, so thank you:
Jenny, for always being there to talk and teaching me everything I need to know to go forward.
Ray, for building the foundation for me as a person and as a journalist.
The senior staff, for always keeping things light while getting the job done.
St. Mark’s administration, for your trust in our ability to tell the story.
Mom and Dad, for your neverending love and support.